
Bhavya Bhārat

The Seven Islands of Mumbai: From Ancient Archipelago to Modern Metropolis

Mumbai, Bhārat’s financial capital and one of the most populous cities in the world, is a bustling metropolis with a fascinating history. Before it became the vibrant city we know today, Mumbai was an archipelago of seven islands, each with its own unique identity and story. These islands, over centuries, were gradually fused together through land reclamation to form the present-day Mumbai. Let’s delve into the history of these seven islands and explore how they transformed into a single urban expanse.

The Seven Cities of Delhi: Unveiling the Layers of History

Delhi, the heart of Bhārat, is a vibrant city where ancient history meets modernity. Built on the legendary foundation of Indraprastha from the Mahabharata era and the remnants of at least seven historical cities, each contributing to its rich cultural heritage. Let’s journey through time and explore these seven cities that form the foundation of modern Delhi.

Bhārat: The Land of Many Names

Throughout her long and rich history, Bhārat has been known by various names. These names, each name with its own history, its own significance, reflect the diverse aspects of this ancient land. Let’s take a look at some of these different names.